Apply for service
Overwhelmed with home repairs? You've come to the right place.
Rebuilding Together is working to ensure safe homes and communities for everyone. To complete an application, call us at 504-264-1815 and leave a us a message with your name, phone number, address needing repairs, and a brief summary of the repairs needed. Please note that given our incredibly high volume of calls, we are unable to answer phone calls lives, and you must leave us a voicemail to receive a callback and complete an application. Calls are returned in the order they are received. Please give our team 7-10 business days to return your call. You can also text 504-264-1815 with the information requested above.
Eligibility Overview
Verify Homeownership Status
A permanent resident of the household must be the homeowner on record-- name must be on the deed AND must have lived in the home for at least the past 3 years
Verify Income Status
You must own the home and be a low-income household (at or below 80% of the Area Median Income)
Verify Homeowner Eligibility
In addition to meeting the income and ownership requirements, the individual must be one of the following:
60 or older
veteran widow(er)
single head of household with minor(s) living in the home
full-time caregiver
Repairs Provided
Rebuilding Together provides critical health and safety repairs for eligibile homeowners. We cannot provide total rebuilds, demolition, or major electrical, plumbing, and/or foundation work.
Common repairs include, but are not limited to:
roof work
exterior painting
safety modifications